Building a better digital world
Devtastic develops software on sustainable, European infrastructure. Less Big Tech, more privacy.
What we do
We build sustainable digital products
Our mission is to make independent software, free from Big Tech. For everyone.
Every websites deserves to be seen. Devtastic builds a new generation of websites with Strapi and Next.js.
We build apps for all devices with Expo, React and Electron.
Devtastic develops powerful APIs for your websites and apps or as micro-services. We are a big fan of Django and NestJS.
Cloud infrastructuur
Devtastic can set up and maintain your cloud infrastructure on Scaleway and Clever Cloud.
How we do that
Together we can make a change
That's why we work together with sustainable companies that value privacy.
Privacy from the start
We develop our software with an eye on privacy from the first byte on. That's how we get software that is GDPR-compliant and does not unnecessary violate the privacy of your users.
Digital sovereignty
Wij bouwen onze producten op Europese cloudplatforms en geven data niet onnodig uit handen. We hosten veel diensten zelf, op servers binnen de EU.
We build our products on European cloud platforms and don't give away data unnecessary. We host many services ourselves, on servers within the EU.
Sustainable development
All datacenters that we use are efficient with energy and water, and run on renewable energy.